
For a Democracy built on Strength and Collaboration

Brand New Bundestag has brought three progressive trailblazers into the Bundestag with the 2021 federal election.

But this is just the beginning.

Help us out to bring the next wave of progressive politicians into Parliament!

Your donation goes to Wir Für Zukunft e.G., which we use to carry out our campaign work and support the candidates in their specific election campaigns. These activities are not subject to tax exemption in Germany. More information about transparency can be found here.

I support BNB because ...

...we urgently need new faces in Politics. Politicians must become younger, more diverse, and more progressive.

Antonis Schwarz | Entrepreneur & Supporter of the “Taxmenow” Initiative

Auf dem Bild sieht man das Portrait von Antonis Schwarz, Unternehmer & Unterstützer der Initiative "taxmenow".

...I wish that all professional groups would be heard by Politicians.

Julia Betz | Pediatrician and Health Practitioner

Auf dem Bild sieht man das Portrait von Julia Betz. Sie ist Gesundheit- und Krankenpflegerin.

...I want to support the work of the volunteers in our Democracy.

Philipp Peters | PR-& Social Media Manager

...after 25 years of foundation work, I have realized what a deep rift separates the political forum from those who participate in civil society. BNB can make a fundamental contribution in connecting those two worlds!

Peter Heller | Environmental Scientist, Company Founder

Auf dem Bild sieht man das Portrait von Peter Heller, Umweltwissenschaftler, Stiftung- und Unternehmensgründer.
Auf dem Foto sieht man das Porträt von Linda Henke, Volunteers bei Brand New Bundestag, in schwarz-weiß vor einem lila Hintergrund. Das Bild ist lila rund umrandet.

Still have some questions about Donating?

If you have any questions about Wir für Zukunft e.G. or your donation, feel free to contact Linda at any time.

If you aren’t able to donate, but still want to help us out…


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