30 Abgeordnete positionieren sich zur Reform des Gemeinsamen Europäischen Asylsystems


Sanae Abdi, MdB
Stephanie Aeffner, MdB
Adis Ahmetovic, MdB
Lisa Badum, MdB
Canan Bayram, MdB
Gaby Bischoff, MdEP
Ina Blumenthal, MdL
Delara Burkhardt, MdEP
Hakan Demir, MdB
Djenabou Diallo-Hartmann, MdL
Jan Dieren, MdB
Fabian Funke, MdB
Antje Grothus, MdL
Marcel Hopp, MdA
Anke Hennig, MdB
Lisa Kapteinat, MdL
Carlos Kasper, MdB
Anna Kassautzki, MdB
Carolin Kirsch, MdL
Annika Klose, MdB
Dietmar Köster, MdEP
Maja Lasić, MdA
Tamara Lüdke, MdA
Robin Mesarosch, MdB
Beate Müller-Gemmeke, MdB
Rasha Nasr, MdB
Brian Nickholz, MdB
Maria Noichl, MdEP
Orkan Özdemir, MdA
Jens Peick, MdB
Lars Rauchfuß, MdA
Ye-One Rhie, MdB
Sebastian Roloff, MdB
Kassem Taher Saleh, MdB
Mathias Schulz, MdA
Birgit Sippel, MdEP
Ruppert Stüwe, MdB
Lena Teschlade, MdL
Awet Tesfaiesus, MdB
Ana-Maria Trăsnea, MdB
Derya Türk-Nachbaur, MdB
Erik von Malottki, MdB
Linda Vierecke, MdA
Carolin Wagner, MdB
Nelly Waldeck, MdL
Carmen Wegge, MdB
Lena Werner, MdB

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Daten und Quellen:

  • Temporärer Schutz: „By the end of December 2022, 3 826 620 displaced people from Ukraine were benefiting from temporary protection in the EU, with Germany (967 715), Poland (961 340) and Czechia (432 415) being the main host countries, according to Eurostat. These numbers may differ from the operational data collected by EU agencies, such as the European Union Asylum Agency (EUAA), or by international ones such as the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). The Member States hosting the highest numbers per 1 000 inhabitants were Czechia (41.1), Estonia (28.8), Poland (25.5) and Lithuania (23.3). Over 98 % of the people fleeing the war were Ukrainian citizens, the vast majority of them female (65 %); 14 % of the male refugees were boys aged 0 to 14.“ (https://epthinktank.eu/2023/02/28/one-year-of-temporary-protection-for-people-displaced-from-ukraine/)
  • Flüchtlingszahlen (ohne temporären Schutz): The number of first-time asylum applicants in the EU [2] in 2022 was 881 220. A first-time applicant for international protection is a person who lodged an application for asylum for the first time in a given EU country. This excludes repeat applicants (in that country) and so more accurately reflects the number of newly arrived people applying for international protection. This latest figure for 2022 marks an increase of 343 865 (or 64.0 %) first-time applicants across the EU compared with the year before (537 355) and is the highest since the peaks of 2015 and 2016 (over 1 million applicants in both years) related to the war in Syria. Additionally, starting from the reference year 2021, Eurostat collects statistics on subsequent applicants (people who reapplied for asylum after a decision had been taken on a previous application). According to available data (missing data for Denmark, Cyprus and Sweden), there were 74 800 subsequent asylum applicants recorded in the EU in 2022, down by 16.6 % compared with 2021. (https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php?title=Asylum_statistics&oldid=558844#Almost_1_million_asylum_applicants_in_2022)
  • Zentrale Herkunftsländer: Syrians, Afghans, Venezuelans and Turks lodged the most applications for asylum – together accounting for almost 40 % of all first-time asylum applicants in EU Member States in 2022. Since 2013, Syria remains the main country whose citizens seek asylum in the EU. In 2022, the number of Syrian first-time asylum applicants in the EU increased to 131 970 (from 98 900 in 2021), however their share in the total EU first-time asylum applicants decreased from 18.4 % to 15.0 %. Afghan was the second main citizenship for a fourth year in a row (113 495, or 12.9 % of the EU total). Applicants from Venezuela and Türkiye each represented almost 6 % of the EU total, with 50 050 (5.7 %) and 49 720 (5.6 %) applications, respectively. Colombian was the fifth main citizenship in 2022, totalling 42 420 applicants (4.8 % of the EU total).
  • Innereuropäische Verteilung: With 217 735 applicants registered in 2022, Germany accounted for 24.7 % of all first-time asylum applicants in the EU. It was followed by France (137 510, or 15.6 %), Spain (116 135, or 13.2 %) and Austria (106 380, or 12.1 %). The lowest numbers of first-time asylum applicants were observed in 2022 in Hungary (45), Slovakia (500) and Latvia (545). (https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php?title=Asylum_statistics&oldid=558844#Almost_1_million_asylum_applicants_in_2022)

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