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Paneldiskussion auf einer Bühne mit unserem Gründer Maximilian Oehl.Hier siehst du den Header für die Movement Politics Plattform


A platform for non-partisan collaboration

We want to move politics! To achieve this, we have launched a platform in collaboration with many clever minds: Our Movement Politics Platform!
Our Movement Politics Platform collaborates with progressive actors in parliament, civil society, academia, and business to move politics forward. This non-partisan platform is open to all who identify with progressive political goals and democratic principles. At the federal level, there are over 35 Members of Parliament from different democratic factions, along with numerous civil society opinion leaders and organizations.
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The platform will create collaborative spaces that enable equal integration between parliamentary and civil society work.
The Platform's achievements include the co-creative and collaborative development of the Brand New Agenda, which brings together the goals and visions of over 100 civil society organisations across 14 policy areas into a coherent programme for the future. Other Platform achievements include our demand paper on strengthening the gas price brake and our joint statement on tightening asylum laws with numerous representatives from different parties in the German Bundestag, various state parliaments and the European Parliament.


Titelbild Brand New Agenda. Lila eingefärbtes Bundestagsgebäude
Es ist ein Gasflamme zu sehen, sowie der Titel unseres Statements zur Gaspreisbremse.
Es ist eine EU-Flagge zu sehen sowie der Titel unseres Statements zur GEAS Reform.


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1. Identifying windows of opportunity for progressive policy goals

We continuously monitor the political discourse and work closely with the platform's actors to identify early windows of opportunity for progressive policies.
The focus is on pragmatic, progressive solutions to the most pressing challenges of our time.
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2. Strategic coordination of progressive actors from different sectors

Once such a window of opportunity has been identified, we coordinate joint progressive political action across party and sector boundaries. We do this by creating a space of trust where relevant actors can exchange ideas.
A joint strategy is then developed and implemented, taking into account the possibilities and limitations of each actor. This could be a public campaign or a cross-party position paper, which is then jointly communicated and taken to other political forums.
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3. Resilient legislative frameworks for the future

Through collective strength, we achieve the overarching goal of Movement Politics: legislative frameworks that enable us to address our demands, such as the climate crisis, social justice, digitalisation or a sustainable transformation of our economy.
The key to success is the networking of politics, civil society, business and academia, as well as non-partisan cooperation, where content takes precedence over party affiliation.
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