Sebastian Gellert
Electoral District 15, Barnim | Bündnis 90/Die Grünen
In the Brandenburg state elections, Sebastian Gellert is running for Bündnis 90/Die Grünen.
As a father of three, his key issues are energy, citizen participation, and democracy. Sebastian advocates for the promotion of sustainable projects that support community-oriented, regional value creation. He wants to involve more people actively in decision-making processes and believes in transparency. In his long-standing political work at the local level, whether as a city councilor in Werneuchen or as the local mayor of his hometown, proximity to citizens is the basis of his political work. Finding the right language to explain the challenges of inevitable changes to people and still showing a positive perspective is his driving force. Additionally, Sebastian serves as a spokesperson in the Barnim district association of B90/The Greens, a parquet layer, and a musician.