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Our Europe: Together against the far-right in Europe

The 2024 Elections to the European Parliament might bring a significant shift to the far right. As democratic civil society actors we have to unite across countries and beyond political affiliations to protect the values at the heart of the European Union: human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, and the rule of law. 

Together with numerous partner organisations, we have formulated a statement that states what we want, what we expect and what we demand in order to create a democratic and future-proof Europe worth living in for everyone!

Number of signing organisations:


The Europe we want. The Europe we need. Our Europe

We are alarmed by the rise of far-right anti-democratic parties that instrumentalise the uncertainty caused by current crises for their own purposes. Destructive political forces are on the rise and undermine the values at the heart of the European Union: human dignity, freedom, cohesion, democracy, equality, the rule of law and peace. We want to protect these values and vow to keep them alive - in our communities, in our countries, in Europe. Together we will stop anti-democratic actors, protect European diversity, and make the European Union future-proof. Though we come from different parts of the political spectrum, we stand united for democracy.

Multiple and complex crises are challenging the way we go about our lives and the way politics are done. Peace in Europe is threatened by Russia’s aggression in Ukraine. The climate catastrophe is escalating. Social injustice is rising. These are just some examples of the current challenges in the European Union. None of them are unilateral matters that can be tackled by one state alone. There is no quick fix, and we all know that this can be scary and unsettling. Yet, far-right or populist politics cannot be the answer. Those who stir up hatred and fear should not be allowed to guide the way. Instead, we need a political style based on hope, collaboration and bold action.

To build a future-proof EU, that is more inclusive, sustainable, united, and safe, we expect our communities, political leaders, and the Members of the new European Parliament to:

  • Build bridges between people with different views of the world to develop pragmatic, unbureaucratic and bold solutions that benefit the common good,
  • Reject any form of racist, extremist, or overly nationalist ideologies, discriminating rhetoric, autocratic narratives or fake news,
  • Promote a strong, healthy and more participatory democratic system and the rule of law as the foundation of European prosperity,
  • Foster an active, democratic society within and across the regions of Europe, by nurturing an open, respectful, reasonable, honest, and non-divisive dialogue with civil society,
  • Fight climate change with the ambition and courage needed and with particular care for the most vulnerable people to accelerate the transition to a carbon- and emission-neutral way of life,
  • Develop governance mechanisms to account for future generations’ needs and interests,
  • Nurture a fair, innovative and sustainable economy that benefits all,
  • Take up our continent’s unique historical responsibility and take responsibility for our authoritarian and colonialist past, aiming at a more peaceful and prosperous world to which we can contribute as a reliable international partner,
  • Uphold and strengthen equal human rights, regardless of ethnicity, country of origin, gender or sexual orientation, religion, disability and other individual circumstances and tackle injustices in all these dimensions.


As civil society organisations and European citizens, we are ready to bring these visions to life and invite you to join us. We ask all democratic forces in Europe to band together against those who want to destroy the European project from within. We stand together for a European Union that is future-proof, united, and democratic. This is a call to action.

This is a fight for the Europe we want. The Europe we need. Our Europe.

Join us as an organisation and sign now!

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List of signing organisations:

#aufstehn, Austria
ECoD gemeinnützige GmbH, Austria
The Innovation in Politics Institute , Austria & Germany
Dreamocracy, Belgium
Associaton on Refugees & Migrants in Bulgaria , Bulgaria
Breza Association, Croatia
Magnetar, Cyprus
Crossing Borders, Denmark
Académie des Futurs Leaders, France
Civocracy, France, Germany
Alliance4Europe, Germany
Bridges over Borders e.V., Germany
Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft PRO ASYL, Germany
Bundesverband der Gemeindereferent*innen Deutschlands e.V., Germany
Campus Cosmopolis eV, Germany
Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy, Germany
Club of International Politics e. V., Germany
Comparative Research Network e.V., Germany
Democracy International, Germany
Demokratie & Dialog e.V., Germany
Dorfgemeinschaft Tennental, Germany
ensemble-netzwerk e.V., Germany
Es geht LOS, Germany
Frauen gegen die AfD, Germany
Fridays for Future Berlin, Germany
Gemeinwohl-Ökonomie Bayern e.V. Regionalgruppe Ebersberg, Germany
German Zero, Germany
Health for Future, Germany
Initiative KlimaGerecht Leben, Germany, Germany
KommMit e.V. / PSZ Brandenburg, Germany
Leave No One Behind, Germany
Liquid Democracy e.V. , Germany
Media Force, Germany
Mehr Liebe , Germany
Moving Cities, Germany
Omas gegen Rechts Deutschland e.V., Germany
Parents4Future, Germany
People4Future OG Kiel, Germany
polisphere GmbH, Germany
ProjectTogether gGmbH, Germany
Pulse of Europe eV, Germany
Radikale Töchter, Germany
rehab republic e. V., Germany
Ruhrpott für Europa, Germany
Schwarzkopf-Stiftung Junges Europe, Junge Islam Konferenz, Germany
Sei korrekt, geh wählen., Germany
Simulation des Europäischen Parlaments Oldenburg e.V., Germany
Sozialpädagogische Lebensgemeinschaft Schwienkuhl, Germany
Sprungbrett Zukunft Berlin eV, Germany
STELP , Germany
SupportDemocracy e.V., Germany
Stop Ecocide Germany , Germany
Über den Tellerrand eV, Germany
United4Rescue – Gemeinsam retten e.V., Germany
Verein zur Förderung der Integration von hochqualifizierten Zuwanderinnen und Zuwanderern, Germany
Viva con Agua, Germany
Young Voice TGD e.V, Germany
Wir für Niendorf e.V., Germany
Equal Rights Beyond Borders, Germany, Greece
Sea-Watch, Germany, Italy
International Institute for Holistic Research and Voluntary Action, Germany,India
Europe must Act, Great Britain, EU
aHang, Hungary
Igazgyöngy Alapítvány Real Pearl Foundation, Hungary
Irish Council for Civil Liberties , Ireland
Comitato Ti Candido, Italy
Forum Disuguaglianze e Diversità, Italy
School Raising, Italy
BirdLife Malta, Malta
Fundacja Otwarty Plan, Poland
Stowarzyszenie "Dla Ziemi", Poland
Tkalnia Association, Poland
Centrul de Resurse si Consultanta in Educatie, Romania
The Open Network for Community Development, Romania
Ideas en Guerra, Spain
Political Watch, Spain
Sannas, Spain
Höj Rösten , Sweden
Kvar i Eksjö, Sweden
Multitudes Foundation , Sweden
Swedish Network of Asylum and Refugee Support Groups, Sweden
DeGoedeZaak, The Netherlands
Stem op een Vrouw, The Netherlands
Kleur de Kamer, The Netherlands
Our EuropeOur Europe