Campaigns & Projects

Here you can find our current and past campaigns and projects.

Auf dem Bild sieht man den Reichstag in Berlin in einer lila Schattierung.

Brand New Agenda

With the Brand New Agenda, we are developing a shared and far-reaching vision for society in order to demonstrate that there is a broad consensus among progressives on the relevant issues. We want to show that Civil Society is ready for the transformation and wants to tackle it courageously.

Auf dem Bild kann man das Logo von Chat Politics sehen.

Chat Politics - Your Direct Link to Parliament

Together with the initiative Diskutier Mit Mir (Discuss With Me), we bring citizens and members of the Bundestag into direct exchange with each other via group chat

Auf dem Bild kann man das Logo von Parteiwatch vor einem lila Hintergrund sehen.


Our PARTEIWATCH project takes a closer look at a central but all too often ignored process in our electoral system: the allocation of party-list positions. We ensure that this elementary and often overlooked step in elections in Germany receives more attention and transparency. For a fair selection, in which the most suitable rather than the best-connected politicians wins, and for a transparent, vibrant, innovative democracy.

Auf dem Bild sieht man das Logo von Top 50.

TOP50 Progressives

We urgently need politicians in parliament who are fit for the future. It was precisely on this occasion that Brand New Bundestag honored 50 progressive candidates for the Bundestag who stand for political awakening. 29 of them are now members of the 20th German Bundestag.

Auf dem Bild sieht man ein Visual für Social Media zu dem Thema #Gemeinsam Zukunft Wählen.

Campaign for the 2021 Federal Election

With #DankeCiao we said goodbye to politicians who stand in the way of progressive change. Under #GemeinsamZukunftWählen we have shown solidarity in an election for the future.

Through my work at BNB, I realise that I can really contribute to change. That is a very encouraging feeling.

Anne | Volunteer

Auf dem Bild sieht man das Portrait von Anne, eine Volunteer bei Brand New Bundestag.


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